Dive Deeper

Schedule your Dosha Consultation to discover your body’s individual NEEDS.

The list of offerings below is a sample of specialties that your practitioner will determine works best for your body type and needs after your Dosha consultation.

Aryuvedic Specialties

  • Freeform


    Done in the Ayurvedic fashion; long connecting full body strokes, pushing warm oil into the skin. Addressing the body as a whole and spending time where it is needed most.

  • Layer by Layer


    It starts with exfoliating the skin, warm herbalized oil applied in quick long strokes creating heat in the body to absorb the oil, followed by slower deeper pressure, ending with energy work. This structured massage is a sampling of the variety Ayurveda offers

  • Marma Point Therapy


    Marmas are the junction points between body, mind, and emotions. When stimulating the energy in these points it reawakens your inner healing system. Leaving you feeling more connected to yourself. Combined with full body massage, and essential oils specific to your Dosha, spending time and energy where needed most.

  • Pre-natal


    Relax and nourish your body quiet your mind. Similar to The Freeform, this massage is in the Ayurvedic style taking into account the adjustments needed for pregnancy.

  • Singing Bowls Sound Therapy


    This is an experience for the body and the mind. As you receive the physical massage enjoy the sound healing music with live playing of bowls to allow the body to feel the vibrations as well as the sound creating a deeper multilevel sensation within.

  • Deep Tissue / Sports Massage


    This starts with a warming up of the tissue then diving in deep to address the physical problems of the body. This is great for athletes, working through scar tissue, an old injury, stretching and resistance stretching increasing range of motion. Participation and deep breathing are required on your part.